Your contribution

A mid-life career change isn’t something to undertake lightly. You have less time for false starts, so it’s important to weigh your options and opportunities with care. What I offer is a personal service which, measured by independent market research over a fifteen month period, delights 90% of my clients. Here’s what I ask from you:


You’re far enough down your current career track to have had some success – and, like all of us, some disappointment. Which aspects of success proved rewarding for you, and which were more hollow? This experience provides essential material for us to work on.


I need you to be hungry to explore the possibility of change. Even if you’re thinking ahead towards a move in several years’ time, the hunger has to be now: you must be ready to get on with the first steps.


You’ll need to spend some hours over a couple of weeks (not necessarily all at once) reflecting on your life so far, using an online questionnaire. Most people take about three hours but some have spent much longer. This  enables me to prepare thoroughly for our discussion session, so you need to finish your work on it by a date we’ll agree. Afterwards you can revisit and revise the notes you’ve made on yourself, and print them off, at any time over a four-month period.


I’m committed to this business because I’m intent on working in an individual way with individuals. So while the key elements of the process are likely to be as I’ve described, I’ll also propose changes tailored to your circumstances – for example if your career has derailed, we’ll need some additional exploratory meetings to prepare for our main session. But I will quote you a fixed price – typically between £2,500 and £4,000 and payable in two instalments.

Searching questions

To get a feel for the online questionnaire stage, you can take a look at the CareerStorm Navigator website here.